
Talent Trends 4: The Talent Shortage Will Get Worse

Written by Acolyte | Jan 25, 2023 10:50:35 AM

Talent shortages are not new. HR and Talent Leaders forecast them as their number 1 challenge 3 years ago*. The combined market disruption of the pandemic & Brexit has only made the problem worse. In 2023 there are two areas will be particularly affected:

Volume roles

There will continue to be high demand and talent shortages for volume roles in sectors like hospitality, retail, as well as in contact centres, warehouses and delivery.

Businesses will need to remove any and all friction from hiring processes and focus on creating a strong employer brand and a sense of engagement for existing employees.

High skill tech roles

The rate of digital adoption accelerated at an unprecedented rate across all industries during the pandemic. Consequently, technical capability continues to be in exceptional demand. Engineers, cybersecurity, enterprise architects and software developer candidates are particularly sought after.

Simply raising salaries won’t solve the long term talent shortage. Organisations will need to consider mapping new talent markets, importing talent and ‘build’ based talent strategies in 2023 in order to mitigate against the impact of talent scarcities in these areas.


Talent Trends 1: The New Normal Becomes… Normal

Talent Trends 2: The Post-COVID Plateau Of Productivity

Talent Trends 3: The Niche Needle In A Haystack

Talent Trends 5: Shh – We’re Hiring Quietly

Talent Trends 6: The Rise Of Ethical AI For Recruitment